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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Little Baby BOY, Paayton.

Only 26 weeks and 2 days old, but this little man looks so chubby already! He was curled up for most of the 3D ultrasound, which is a change.. normally he's kicking non stop!
Here's a few shots of his little face, hands and feet!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Christmas Starbucks

Why is a multi-billion dollar industry, latte so important to me? Because they actually have a quality taste, and sparkle.
Every year, I usually put my fake tree up the first weekend of November. The same night, I usually skip down to the nearest Starbucks and buy my very first Christmas Drink of the year. I usually pick a Soy Gingerbread Latte, and then go home with it and sit in front of my tree.
This year is a bit different, it's the first year in 4 years I've not had a fake tree.. so, we will be getting our tree on the 29th of November instead.
Glen and I will be going to Starbucks tonight to drop the dollar, like the rest of North America on a drink that will warm our bellies, and bring the Christmas spirit even closer..
I will post pictures soon of our rendezvous!

PS. Little update: Forgot to bring the cam, too much going on tonight! But, Glen got a Grande Gingerbread Latte, which he went "MMMM", first sip. I got a Soy Peppermint Mocha. It made me fall in love with Christmas all over again!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Money Isn't The Issue.

One of the main figures in our lives is rich. Worldly Rich is defined by circulating lots of money and spending it on bigger and better things.
Looking up the definition it came up with, " Possessing great material wealth".
This person is run by money, so much so that he doesn't understand what it's like to live simple.
Instead of getting a 32" T.V, you shouldn't settle for.. you need minimum 37".
This person is angry, stressed and always working. Shouldn't money make mankind happy? Money is used to support, but also to spend on valuables that we don't really need as humans, we just want.
Money can be scary, used for drugs, sex and gambling. It can run your mind, it can ruin your life and if not creating enough, living paycheck to paycheck can hurt your self being.
So, what is money good for? Money is meant for the wise. It's meant to be used wisely. First paying off all your expenses and then put the rest into assets and bonds.
But the funny thing is, is that most 'rich people' really aren't rich. They think that since they make the big bucks, they can buy the big items, and intern, they aren't buying assets but liabilities.
Liabilities might make you short term happy, but what really makes you happy in life?
Money? No.
-Pets, and so on.

This person I know is continually lecturing us on how our supply isn't "bountiful", but in reality we make quite a bit, just not enough to buy 37" Flat screens, hottubs, brand new cars etc.
But why do you need that stuff anyways? Our Volvo has no problems, and runs great! Our 32" is great for our small living room, and face it, pregnant women can't go in hot tubs anyways!

So, in conclusion, this blog may not make sense because I would rather not go into too much detail. But it's a pressing issue on my mind. I have been completely content and at peace in my life, why try to change that with bigger or better things?
We should all know by this point bigger and better things do not make mankind happy.
Maybe money is covering up the greater issue that you have problems in your life. If you need to continually buy things to make you happy, maybe you really weren't happy to begin with.

Love and Peace.