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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baby Baby

Today I had the privilege of looking after Natalie, my niece for a few hours at my house. We had so much fun with Chloe, Baby Einstein, and Various Toys.
It got me to thinking how it will be when I have a baby, the good and the bad.
Right now I just get to experience the GOOD.. but soon late nights, endless crying and stress may become part of that 'baby picture'

So many people have told me to enjoy pregnancy and the goodness it brings. But I can't help but anticipate my little baby.
My pregnancy journey is about half done now, but still half way, seems a long way to go.
I have had a trial run with my puppy, Chloe. ( although dogs or non alike babies) I have had her since August 2007, and I have loved every minute of it!
I can't wait to put my babies little booties on her, or rock her to sleep with my favorite song "You're My Sunshine" Which my mom sang to me every night, almost, and still sometimes does.
What yet is exciting, is decorating the baby room, and preparing and thinking of what will be.
It's amazing what something you thought it bad, can turn into SUCH a big blessing.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mandarine Oranges

Mandarin Oranges. mm-mm good. I walked into superstore yesterday to buy a phone, and to my delight there were boxes of Mandarin Oranges piled right before you hit the tiles. First off, you have no idea what a mandarin orange can do to me. The smell- it brings back memories of childhood, good times and warm fuzzy feelings. The taste- reminds me that their is goodness on earth. It reminds me of cold weather ad snow, Christmas trees and family. The memory that always comes to mind when I first open my first orange of the year is when my family ( Dad, Mom, Josh, Katie and myself) were hunting for a christmas tree, that one on the highway..the man who had santa there and serves you watered down hot chocolate. Well, we had a box of mandarin oranges in our old purple minivan, which my parents had bought a bunch of junk food for our anual tree party we have every year. My mom let me sneak a orange while we waited for my dad to pay for the tree. So that is the lasting memory that I have had for years that sticks with me. A memory that happened before the world broke me. Before it made me bitter and angry and empty. I just peeled a slightly green mandarin orange and the smell brought me back to last year when I felt so alone and empty. Sometimes when you're hurting so much you can't feel or see things. Christmas was non-existent last year ( which by the way is my favorite time of year) So these little cheap bundles of delight got me thinking of Christmas, this year. How wonderful it will be, and how blessed I am right now. This year will be like the rest, before the world got to me. It will be one of pure delight. Warm feelings, and family. Isn't it amazing what a God given, natural fruit can do for your day?