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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baby Baby

Today I had the privilege of looking after Natalie, my niece for a few hours at my house. We had so much fun with Chloe, Baby Einstein, and Various Toys.
It got me to thinking how it will be when I have a baby, the good and the bad.
Right now I just get to experience the GOOD.. but soon late nights, endless crying and stress may become part of that 'baby picture'

So many people have told me to enjoy pregnancy and the goodness it brings. But I can't help but anticipate my little baby.
My pregnancy journey is about half done now, but still half way, seems a long way to go.
I have had a trial run with my puppy, Chloe. ( although dogs or non alike babies) I have had her since August 2007, and I have loved every minute of it!
I can't wait to put my babies little booties on her, or rock her to sleep with my favorite song "You're My Sunshine" Which my mom sang to me every night, almost, and still sometimes does.
What yet is exciting, is decorating the baby room, and preparing and thinking of what will be.
It's amazing what something you thought it bad, can turn into SUCH a big blessing.

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