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Monday, February 15, 2010

The hardest things are the greatest things.

Well, as you know I had my baby on Friday! It was so nice to finally get that boy outta there.. not enough space for him!
Here's the scoop:
Monday I started feeling really sick. Bad back pain, pelvic pain and contractions here and there. I was completely uncomfortable..
Wednesday night I was having contractions for about 4 hours spaced 4-5 minutes apart.. and then they just stopped, I was so frustrated.
Thursday morning I woke up to pain, but I just figured it was the same pain I had the whole week.. so ignoring my aching, sleep deprived body I cleaned that whole morning. I started getting suspicious so at 10 am I started timing my contractions.. sure enough they were spaced a even 5 minutes apart. This made me want to clean even more because if it was labor I wanted to come home to a perfect house!
At 12 my contractions had lessened to 2-3 minutes apart. But the pain was still bearable. I just had to sit and breath through them. I decided to call the nurse hot line because 2-3 minutes apart and lasting 45 seconds is pretty close together. I really didn't feel like I needed to go to the hospital, and I had put it off all day.. but the nurse said I should go in, especially since I tested positive for Strep B ( a common bacteria pregnant women get), with this you need to get antibiotics through IV at least 4 hours before baby is ready to hit the birth canal..
So finally at 4:00 I called Glen and said that we should go to the hospital. By this point the contractions had gotten a lot worse, but I was told not to go to the hospital until the pain is unbearable.
We reached the hospital at 4:45 ish, and at 5 I was checked for dilation. I expected not to be dilated at all, but my doctor looked up at me, shocked, and said " you're having this baby tonight! you're 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced!"
I started crying instantly, because I needed to get that baby out.. I was in so much pain for weeks, and we had been waiting so long to meet him!
So, from this point it was a waiting game. They were going to check me again at 9 pm for dilation. 9 pm rolled around, they checked and I was still only 5 cm, and the contractions had seemed to get less painful and come less often..
So I asked if I could go to my grandmas.. the nurse was skeptical but let me leave the hospital, we still got to keep our room though.
we stayed there until about 4 am and then I told Glen that we needed to get back to the hospital. I was in a lot more pain, and the contractions were back at 4 minutes apart.
We got back to our room, and I immediately jumped in the tub... I couldn't bare the pain anymore.. so I sat in there for a hour with hot water constantly running.. and then finally my nurse came in and said she was going to check for dilation.
She checked and I was 6 cm! Only 1 cm, but I was making progress!
I jumped back in the tub and from there on out I don't remember much. I was taking gas for my contractions.. and sat in the tub until about 10 am.. crying in between contractions.
Finally my nurse came in and told me I needed to get out because my doctor was going to check me.
I got out, and got on my bed and my doctor came in and said since I had been in active labor for so long that she wanted to break my water and give me the epidural.
So I asked if I could have the epidural before my breaking of water.. she said sure.. and sure enough 10 minutes later the Anesthesiologist came in gave me my new IV in my arm, and gave me the epidural. 15 minutes after that.. it was heaven. The first I had gotten since Wednesday night! I never actually slept.. but my body could relax, it was amazing.
At 11:40 I told my nurse that I had a lot of pressure down there.. and I kept insisting that I felt pressure, and so finally she checked for dilation, and I was 10 cm! I was ready to go. So she called my doctor and told her I would start pushing..
I started, and boy is it hard to push out a baby when you have nothing left in your body! Half way through pushing the pain started to get worse and worse.. and let me tell you, the epidural does NOT block out the pain of pushing the baby out.. just the contraction pain.. and OUCH it hurt.. I remember saying after pushing every time that I couldn't do it. It hurt SO bad. I also remember thinking " why did I not get a c-section".. the baby was basically in my pelvis, so you can imagine how painful that was.
Finally after a hour and 45 minutes of pushing I couldn't do it anymore.. so I pushed 6 times in a row and baby Hudson went SHOOTING out.. at 2:07 pm!
With a second degree tears ( 4 to be exact ), I had to get a hour and a half of stitching.. but it was worth it!!
He was and is perfect!!

I so have a new appreciation and love for mothers. You don't realize how amazing and painful and emotional the process is before you become pregnant.. if you've never done it.. you have NO idea! my included.. I had no idea until Friday..

We named him Hudson Kaed Morris.. he is so tiny, born at 6 pounds 10 ounces ( apparently I have a very small pelvis)

We were supposed to leave the hospital last night, but the nurse said my body was doing well and we left at 3:17 on Saturday afternoon.
Body is still very tender, but nothing can compare to being at home with your perfect baby boy.. it's just indescribable..

Here are some shots of Hudson.


Keira-Anne said...

So much love to the three of you. I really enjoyed reading about your experience, Jess... what a magical thing you went through. I can't wait to meet your dreamy little boy. xoxo

Jessica-Sara said...

oh, I can barely wait for you to meet him either. He's such a little man already.