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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Baby Sleeps On His Belly!

As the title states, my baby sleeps on his belly.

After 17 days of no sleep, frustrated nights, crying and wondering ' what did I get myself into'.. I decided to do the NONO. Put my Baby to sleep on his belly.
It worked!
I would be up at 1 am feeding Hudson, and he would scream for hours, I would try everything to get him to sleep.. and by the time I finally got him half asleep he would want more food.. the process continued.
Finally after a afternoon feed I put him on his belly, and he fell asleep instantly. It's day 3 of belly sleeping, and I am getting 6-7 hours of sleep now. Such a God send!

The statistics show that 1% of babies in the world die from SIDS. The cause is unknown, but leading factors are: Parents who smoke and/or drink. Race, and low birth rate. None of which Hudson fits in.
He also has a very strong neck, and when placed face down, can move his head to either side. He is also working on rolling over, he half rolled over on me the other day.

There is a .25% chance that Hudson could be a statistic. But I would rather have a happy baby who is getting his sleep than a baby who is extremely overtired and unhappy.
Also, think of this. 20 years ago they told you to put baby to sleep on their belly because if you put them on their back they could choke on their spit up and die.
Then 10 years later it was their side.
So, I am going with my instinct and laying him how he wants to be. On his belly!

Love you baby boy!

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